California JPIA Members Page

An introduction to Safehub and what to expect from your remote earthquake monitoring solution.

Earthquake Situational Awareness & Building-Specific Damage Information

California JPIA is expanding their partnership with Safehub, and your sites have been selected to receive the benefits of this program expansion.

Member sites are selected based on a number of different reasons, including: maintaining government functionality, to provide temporary shelter, resource distribution, community meeting space, for cities to conduct emergency repairs and maintain utility service, or potentially high occupancy.

What to Expect:

A Safehub representative will be reaching out to coordinate and gather additional information.

Next steps include:

  • Confirm Buildings to be Sensored: Please confirm the addresses of the buildings.
  • Sensor Installation: A Safehub technician can install sensors in your city, if preferred. (Coordination of install date & access to buildings will be needed.)
  • Safehub’s Earthquake Monitoring & Alerts: A username must be set up on the Safehub dashboard to receive alerts. Team members needing access can then be added. (No seat limit on members.)

Here are additional documents to support your installation and on-boarding process:

On-Boarding Information Kit

Acerca de Safehub

Safehub has built the world’s first scalable sensor and IoT-based analytics platform that remotely monitors structural damage after an earthquake. Safehub’s solution provides actionable damage alerts and detailed, building-specific data in minutes.

This data enables organizations to make informed decisions about whether to initiate emergency response, evacuate or shelter-in-place, and how to prioritize building inspection.

Contact Us

Atención al cliente

Si tiene alguna otra pregunta sobre la instalación o la asistencia técnica del producto, puede comunicarse con nosotros en cualquier momento.

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