Using IoT Building Sensors to Build Partnerships

Safehub works with several partners to bring our technology, including building sensors and software, to businesses worldwide. See how our strategic partnerships strengthen our position and allow us to deliver the best-in-class solution to support catastrophe risk management.

Engineering and Modeling Partners

Our partnerships with world-class structural engineers and scientists allow us to provide the best possible response after events and help support them by providing a clearer picture during their inspections.

  • Global Earthquake Model (GEM)
  • Degenkolb
  • Tipping
  • Holmes
  • Reavely
  • Structural Focus

Insurance Industry

Our sensors are used by insurance providers as a trigger for parametric insurance policies. We also help policyholders reduce business interruption losses, which reduces claims. Our insurance and broker partners are working with us to bring our building sensor technology to clients throughout the world.

  • Liberty Mutual Re
  • XS Global
  • Aon
  • AXA XL
  • Hannover Re
  • HDI Global SE

Property Partnerships

Our building sensors enable businesses that manage and support tenants to provide a swift post-disaster response.

  • Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL)


Our investors help us make progress toward our vision of transforming risk management for natural disasters and post-disaster response.

  • A/O Proptech
  • Fusion Fund
  • Ubiquity Ventures
  • JLL Spark Global Ventures
  • HDI Group
  • Bolt
  • Promus Ventures
  • Blackhorn Ventures
  • Maschmeyer Group Ventures
  • Team Builder Ventures

Get Started Today

Request a demo to learn how we can help minimize your catastrophe risk with building-specific, real-time data.